Hacking old 8 bit computers

Additional material in support of the paper presented at Histories of Computing in Eastern Europe, Working Group 9.7 Workshop, IFIP World Congress 2018, September 19-21, Poznań.

Our findings using BASCK

Primo, by Microkey, Hungary 1984

BASIC developed by SZTAKI research institute (at least according to Home Computer Museum) results a MS BASIC.
The ROM images used to run the test. The complete BASCK output.

Development Tools

CC65 (GitHub repository)
A complete cross development package for MOS 6502 based systems.

Z88DK (GitHub repository)
A complete development kit for architectures based on the Zilog Z80 and its close relatives.

SDCC (Sourceforge repository)
A retargetable cross-compiler for multiple architectures including the Zilog Z80.

ACK (GitHub repository)
A retargetable cross-compiler and cross-assembler for multiple architectures including the CP/M-80, the PC Intel 8088/8086, the PDP and others.

CMOC (Personal page and repository)
A cross-compiler for some Motorola 6809-based architectures.


MAME (Official MAME page)
A universal emulator, initially developed as a master's thesis by Nicola Salmoria.

FUSE (Sourceforge repository)
Emulator for the Sinclair Spectrum series and its clones.

JKCEMU (Official web page)
Emulator for all East German computers.

ORICUTRON (GitHub repository)
Emulator for the Tangerine Oric series and Pravetz 8D clone.

CrossLib and Cross-Chase

CROSS-CHASE (GitHub repository)
An example on how to use all the above development kits.

Other useful links

Hobbists Sites about Eastern European Computers from the '80s

History of the Robotron Kombinat (in German)

KC Klub
KC hobbist site (in German).

Primo hobbist Site (in Hungarian).

Hobbist site about Spectrum clones (in Russian).

A personal account (in Serbo-Croatian) by the author of the Galaksija.

Czechoslovakian computers
A personal account on Czechoslovakian computers.

Home Computer Museum
Eastern European Section of the Home Computer Museum.